Machine learning in brain imaging

Principal investigator: Jussi Tohka [Google Scholar profile]  [ORCID]

Professor of biomedical image analysis

Head of biomedical image analysis group

A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences

University of Eastern Finland

P.O.Box 1627 (Neulaniementie 2), FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland

email: jussi dot tohka at uef dot fi

Lab guide

Current Biomedical Image Analysis group members and PhD-students:

Contact : firstname.lastname<at>  

Robert Ciszek, PhD student, 2017 -, (jointly supervised with Asla Pitkänen)

Mohammad Khateri, PhD student 2020 - (jointly supervised with  Alejandra Sierra (primary supervisor)) 

Elaheh Moradi, post-doc 2022 -

Mithilesh Prakash, post-doc 2019 - 

Meheli Banerjee, PhD student 2022 - (jointly supervised with Noora Puhakka, Neuroinnovation programme)

Andrius Penkauskas, PhD student 2022 - (jointly supervised with Pauli Miettinen (primary supervisor) and Ville Leinonen, Neuroinnovation programme)  

Gazi Saadman Hossain, PhD student  2022 - (the primary supervisor is Alina Solomon) 

Mastaneh Torkamani Azar, post-doc, 2022 -  

Melina Estela Dalmau, PhD student 2022 - (the primary supervisor is Alejandra Sierra, Neuroinnovation programme) 

Maryam Hadji, post-doc 2023 -

Ali Farki, PhD student 2023 -

Gaurang Sharma, PhD student 2024 -  (UEF-VTT PhD student)

Zewen Zhuo, Msc student